South Central LA Greening



We’re helping to bring nature back to the Pueblo Del Rio public housing project and surrounding streets in the Central-Alameda neighborhood


Location: Central-Alameda neighborhood

Timeline: Jan 2022 – Present

Funded By: California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA)

Project Partners: California Strategic Growth Council, California Climate Investments (Urban Greening), LADWP, City Plants, Streets LA, GUESS Foundation

This project will plant 100 trees at Pueblo del Rio. An additional 665 - 800 trees will be planted along nearby streets creating safer and more shaded walking and cycling connections. Natural bioswales and raingardens will capture rain water and improve water quality. A program of educational/interpretive signage will be installed.

Planting trees in this community will mitigate greenhouse gas and air pollution, reduce the urban heat island effect, increase shade to encourage more pedestrian use of streets, reduce air conditioning costs, reduce and filter rainwater runoff entering our drainage systems and rivers, increase public mental health and wellbeing with exposure to nature, increase habitat for urban wildlife, and increase the likelihood of the public choosing to walk or bike to neighborhood destinations instead of driving, which reduces vehicular traffic and miles traveled, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and in general improve public mental and physical health.

This project will also hire and train community members to work in urban forestry and community engagement. The street tree planting program is in close collaboration with residents, who take responsibility for watering trees, alongside ongoing maintenance by North East Trees.

The project team will monitor and track the greenhouse gas sequestration of the planted trees through routine maintenance during the first three years after planting the trees, which will be location recorded using GPS and GIS mapping.


Sennett Creek Planning and Feasibility Study


Urban Greening in North East LA